Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

For the last few years of college, I always made my New Year's Resolutions in September, right before the start of classes, rather than in January, which was kind of an arbitrary, meaningless border. The new school year, it seemed to me, was generally more of an opportunity for a fresh start, as compared to the calendar year. New living space, new classes, and by and large, a new set of year-by-year requirements. This year is no exception. I want to have them up and running by the first day of classes, so I have a little under a week to make changes.

  • Cooking: This will be a good year to expand my culinary skills. I'm going to try to make 1 new recipe each week. I shouldn't feel confined to things that are actually written down: if I can come up with something that I think will work, go for it. On the other hand, the biosciences library has a large "cookbook" section. Who knew?

  • Reading : Try to read 2 non-course-related books each month: 1 "fiction" (also includes things like poetry), and 1 non-fiction. No particular length or subject restrictions, but they should be reasonably substantial. Also: Read at least 1 current journal article per week.

  • Dancing : Go dancing at least once a month. With things like East Bay Waltz and the Gaskell Ball, it shouldn't be too hard to go out somewhere local, and then there's lots of other stuff on the other side of the bay too.

I've made up a handy little progress chart, and tacked it up right in front of my desk, so I'm going to have a hard time working in my room and not seeing it.